Vadim Kotelnikov



Innovation is actually a very simple phenomenon ‒ innovation is about love:

love what you do and love your customers>>>


Kore 6 Slides


7 Areas of Innovation Denis Kotelnikov Emfographics Actors Systemic Innovation Business Innovation Business Success 360 Vadim Kotelnikov: Coaching by Example Innovarsity Innovation Strategy Innovation Organizational Innovation Technology Innovation Process Innovation Product Innovation Creative Marketing Systemic Innovation: How To Create Successful Innovations - 7 Areas, emfographics,VadimKotelnikov


Customer-driven Innovation

10 Commandements of Innovation


Culture for Innovation

The Jazz of Innovation: 11 Guiding Principles The Jazz of Innovation Jazz-like Innovation Process: 11 Guiding Principles


When you create radical innovations, 
entrepreneurial simulation games work far better than
business planning, strategy formulation and project management methods.



Innovation Management